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NMR Processing



The purpose of this page is to collect information on certain processing strategies, to outline their purpose, and to explain how to achieve this action using Bruker TopSpin. To that end, example spectra are provided for download, indicated by the Bruker TopSpin logo,


Time-Domain Manipulations

Goto dc offset

DC Offset Correction of the FID

A constant voltage offset of the FID in the real or imaginary part will cause a "peak" exactly in the middle of the spectrum.
Goto first point correction

First-Point Correction

Fourier-transformation is geared towards periodic functions and has problems at discontinuities.
Goto convolution


What is frequently dubbed "convolution" actually is a multiplication of the FID with an appropriate filter function. The corresponding process in the frequency domain is called convolution.
Goto dummy


Goto dummy

Linear Prediction


Frequency-Domain Manipulations

Goto dummy

Phase Correction

Goto dummy

Baseline Correction

peak picking

Peak Picking

Not really a manipulation, but part of the analysis. Routine, so who cares? But it looks like it is still an art, and proves: "know thy tools"

Miscellaneous Manipulations

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