Klaus Eichele Publication Abstracts 2010 |
[UP] |
M. Zimmermann, D. Rauschmaier, K. Eichele, K. W. Törnroos, R. Anwander: Amido-stabilized rare-earth metal mixed methyl methylidene complexes Chem. Commun. 2010, 46, 5346 - 5348. DOI 10.1039/c003206a |
Donor(thf)-induced tetramethylaluminate cleavage of Ln(AlMe4)2(NSiMe3AriPr) as well as the reaction of (LnMe3)n (Ln = Y, Ho, Lu) with HNSiMe3AriPr in tetrahydrofuran affords unprecedented trinuclear rare-earth metal tetramethyl methylidene complexes which act as Schrock-type nucleophilic carbenes and methyl transfer agents.
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