Spin System: ABX Simulation | AB Part |
Please enter the three coupling constants (in Hz), the chemical shifts of A and B (in ppm), the corresponding frequency SF of the reference compound (in MHz) as well as the desired total width of the simulated spectrum in pixels (be reasonable ;-). The simulation is based on the exact transition energies and intensities reported by Garbisch [2]. To prevent a division by zero problem if J(AB) = 0, its value will be set to 0.00001 Hz internally.
vA: -509.65 Hz | δA: -5.0333 ppm vB: -860.65 Hz | δB: -8.4997 ppm first AB spectrum (red): v1' = 44.67 | v2' = -105.60 | v3' = -603.37 | v4' = -753.64 I1' = 0.7681 | I2' = 1.2319 | I3' = 1.2319 | I4' = 0.7681 second AB spectrum (blue): v1'' = -857.45 | v2'' = -1007.72 | v3'' = -1023.91 | v4'' = -1174.18 I1'' = 0.0973 | I2'' = 1.9027 | I3'' = 1.9027 | I4'' = 0.0973 | X part (magenta):
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