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Spin System: ABX Analysis | AB Part


This page contains:

  1. information on the analysis of the AB part of an ABX spin system and
  2. a form to extract coupling constants and chemical shifts from observed frequencies,
  3. and simulations using both solutions, especially the resulting X parts

Analysis of AB-part

Input Section

Please enter the eight frequencies (in Hz) of the peaks in descending order and the frequency SF of the reference compound (in MHz), as well as the desired total width of the simulated spectra in pixels (be reasonable ;-):

f1: Hz f2: Hz SF: MHz
f3: Hz f4: Hz width: pixel
f5: Hz f6: Hz
f7: Hz f8: Hz

Now assign the index number of the peaks to the transitions of the two AB sub spectra:

1': 1'':
2': 2'':
3': 3'':
4': 4'':
Input Data
first AB spectrum:v1' = 44.67 v2' = -105.61 v3' = -603.37 v4' = -753.64
second AB spectrum:v1'' = -857.45 v2'' = -1007.72 v3'' = -1023.91 v4'' = -1174.18
JAB (std. dev.): 150.27 (0.00) Hz

Solution 1:

D': 630.37 D'': 71.61
JAX:940.71 HzJBX:381.95 Hz
vA:-509.66 HzδA:-5.0333 ppmvB:-860.65 HzδB:-8.4997 ppm

Solution 2:

D': 630.37 D'': 71.61
JAX:1012.32 HzJBX:310.34 Hz
vA:-545.46 HzδA:-5.3869 ppmvB:-824.84 HzδB:-8.1461 ppm

Simulation of ABX, Solution 1

vA: -509.66 Hz | δA: -5.0333 ppm || vB: -860.65 Hz | δB: -8.4997 ppm
first AB spectrum (red):
v1' = 44.67 | v2' = -105.61 | v3' = -603.37 | v4' = -753.64
I1' = 0.7681 | I2' = 1.2319 | I3' = 1.2319 | I4' = 0.7681
second AB spectrum (blue):
v1'' = -857.45 | v2'' = -1007.72 | v3'' = -1023.91 | v4'' = -1174.18
I1'' = 0.0973 | I2'' = 1.9027 | I3'' = 1.9027 | I4'' = 0.0973
X part (magenta):
v10 = 407.25I10 = 0.1861
v11 = 661.33I11 = 1.0000
v12 = 240.79I12 = 0.8139
v13 = -240.79I13 = 0.8139
v14 = -661.33I14 = 1.0000
v15 = -407.25I15 = 0.1861

Simulation of ABX, Solution 2

vA: -545.46 Hz | δA: -5.3869 ppm || vB: -824.84 Hz | δB: -8.1461 ppm
first AB spectrum (red):
v1' = 44.67 | v2' = -105.61 | v3' = -603.37 | v4' = -753.64
I1' = 0.7681 | I2' = 1.2319 | I3' = 1.2319 | I4' = 0.7681
second AB spectrum (blue):
v1'' = -857.45 | v2'' = -1007.72 | v3'' = -1023.91 | v4'' = -1174.18
I1'' = 0.0973 | I2'' = 1.9027 | I3'' = 1.9027 | I4'' = 0.0973
X part (magenta):
v10 = 407.25I10 = 0.6046
v11 = 661.33I11 = 1.0000
v12 = 240.79I12 = 0.3954
v13 = -240.79I13 = 0.3954
v14 = -661.33I14 = 1.0000
v15 = -407.25I15 = 0.6046


  1. Günther, H. NMR-Spektroskopie, Eine Einführung. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1973.
  2. Garbisch, E. W., Jr., J. Chem. Educ. 1968, 45, 402–416, DOI: 10.1021/ed045p402.
  3. Dischler, B. Angew. Chem. 1966, 78, 653–663, DOI: 10.1002/ange.19660781302;
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 1966, 5, 623–633, DOI: 10.1002/anie.196606231.

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