information on the analysis of the X part of an AA'X spin system and
a form to extract coupling constants and chemical shifts from observed frequencies,
and, as a cross check, simulations of the X part using the solutions.
Analysis of X-Part
The X part of an AA'X spin system can be derived from the X part of an ABX system and consists of up to 5 peaks.
Characteristic are the two so-called N lines, peaks 11 and 14 in the figure above. Together, they account for 50% of the intensity of the X part.
Their spacing corresponds to the sum of the JAX and JA'X coupling constants.
The central peaks 12 and 13 are degenerate in the AA'X case, and are labeled "inner" peaks in the figure, Ii; together
with peaks 10 and 15, the "outer" peaks Io, they account for the other 50% of intensity.
If all five peaks can be observed, the analysis gives JAX, JA'X, and |JAA'|. The coupling
constant |JAA'| is hard to get otherwise, hence this spin system can be quite attractive. The relative signs of
JAX and JA'X can also be determined.
The outer peaks can be outside or inside the N lines. If JAA' is much greater than the other two coupling constants, they will
lie far outside the N lines and may be too weak to be detected. The spectrum will appear deceptively simple then, and look like a "triplet". First-order
analysis will result in wrong couplings. A correct analysis will only yield N.
There can also be cases where the inner lines become weak and may disappear into the noise. The spectrum may then appear deceptively simple
as a "doublet of doublet". First-order analysis will result in wrong couplings.
Input Section
Please assign and enter the five frequencies (in Hz) and intensities (in arbitrary units) of the peaks and the frequency SF of the
reference compound (in MHz), as well as the desired total width of the simluated spectra in pixels
(be reasonable ;-):
Analysis and Simulation of AA'X, X Part
Input Data
ν10 =
70.29 Hz
I10 =
ν11 =
38.53 Hz
I11 =
ν12 =
-11.83 Hz
I12 =
ν14 =
-63.92 Hz
I14 =
ν15 =
-95.89 Hz
I15 =
δ =
-0.13 ppm
Ii =
so =
166.18 Hz
Io =
N =
102.45 Hz
IN =
J(AX) =
131.90 Hz
J(A'X) =
-29.45 Hz
J(AA') =
19.90 Hz
Simulation of AA'X, X part
ν10 =
70.53 Hz
I10 =
plot limits:
ν11 =
38.66 Hz
I11 =
high frequency:
ν12, ν13 =
-12.57 Hz
I12+I13 =
low frequency:
ν14 =
-63.79 Hz
I14 =
ν15 =
-95.66 Hz
I15 =
Günther, H. NMR-Spektroskopie, Eine Einführung. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1973.