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Two-Dimensional Rotations


Two-Dimensional Rotations

The 2D analogy given in the explanation of Euler angles is a standard way of explaining three-dimensional rotations. But sometimes it is hard to see how the actual rotation matrix is obtained, and most authors don't dwell on it. The purpose of this page is to explain this in more detail.

Suppose the coordinates, (x,y), of a point in the two-dimensional XY system are known, but we are actually interested in knowing the coordinates of this point in another coordinate system, X'Y', which is related to the XY system by a counter-clockwise rotation by an angle α.

As the figure indicates, the coordinates of the given point in the new coordinate system will be:

   x' = x cos α + y sin α

   y' = -x sin α + y cos α

These transformations are explained in the next two pictures.

Obtaining the new x' coordinate:

The old x coordinate of P corresponds to the length of the line between points O and E on the old X axis, |OE|. Similarly, the new x' coordinate of P corresponds to the length of the line between points O and I on the new X' axis, |OI|; we can see that this length is the sum of |OF| and |FI|. How does this help?
The projection of |OE| onto the new X' axis gives |OF|. Because the angle between X and X' is α and the angle between EF and OF is the right angle, it follows that:
|OF| = |OE| * cos α = x * cos α
Now let's look at another triangle: E H P
|EP| simply corresponds to the old y coordinate;
the angle between EP and EH corresponds to the rotation angle α and the angle between EH and HP is the right angle.
From this it follows that |HP| is given by:
|HP| = |EP| * sin α = y * sin α
Looking at the picture we can see that |HP| = |FI|, so that now:
x' = |OF| + |FI| = x * cos α + y * sin α

Obtaining the new y' coordinate:

It works for the y' coordinate analogously:
We project the old y coordinate, |OJ|, onto the new Y' axis, |OK|. For the triangle O J K we can formulate:
|OK| = |OJ| * cos α = y * cos α
Now let's look at the triangle J P L, where we can calculate:
|PL| = |JP| * sin α = x * sin α
The picture shows that |PL| = |MK|, so that:
y' = |OM| = |OK| - |MK| = y * cos α - x * sin α


[1]  V. Heine, Group Theory in Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction to its Present Usage, Pergamon Press: New York, 1960.

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